Copernicus Land Change Lab


  • The PhD project on the Footprint of Colonialism: Attributing Biodiversity Loss and GHG Emissions from Colonial Land Change Processes has started June 2024. Excited about this!
  • January 2024. The HYDE portal has been launched! Explore in an interactive manner the HYDE data, select one or more countries, one or more indicators, create graphs and maps on the fly and download the accompanying data in once go! Go to
  • We have started to explore whether we can use HYDE data in a Virtual Reality setting or in a Serious Game; looking forward to it!
  • The HYDE 3.3 version has been used for the Global Carbon Budget 2023 and this budget is now published (Friedlingstein et al , ESSD, 2023). HYDE  versions are now online available again (after a serious data breakdown on the UU Yoda portal!) See Datasets.
  • I gave a presentation at the online GLobal Carbon Budget workshop, 19-20 oct 2023, organized by Univ. of Exeter. Interesting new developments for HYDE 3.4; combination of MapBiomas and ESA-CCI and/or HYDE-HILDA-BLUE framework?
  • Contact has been made with Prof. Erle Ellis (co-founder of the Anthromes approach, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore county, USA), who is now doing a sabbatical at Oxford University (UK) about developing an Anthromes 3.0. approach. An online workshop was held from 26-27 October 2023.
  • An interesting start for cooperation has been established with the land use HILDA+ group from Wageningen University/Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), to explore future harmonization with HYDE and with the Gross/Net Land change. Funding for a post-doc is pending.
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  • We have organized a successful Future Anthromes workshop on the 22nd of April 2022 (by invitation only). Recent research has been presented and future work discussed. Venue:  Social Impact Factory, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • The 1st International Electronic Conference on Land, Towards Land System Science has been organized from 17 – 19 May 2022 |online. For more information see
  • Together with University of Groningen we have organized a Summerschool; “Welcome to the Anthropocene”, 4-8 July 2022, see also


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